• AI

    Claude AI

    Thanks to Inger Mewburn (@thesiswhisperer), I have been playing with Claude, her newest friend in academia. I’m impressed enough to pay for his services – I found him useful in critiquing my writing and seeking out weaknesses that I could not see in the familiar words. He proved helpful in exploring some resources and I used him in tandem with my brain in critiquing a paper. HOWEVER, and it is a rather large one, when I asked him to connect some dots, he started to lie to me. I wondered if he could find some relevant sources for me and so he eagerly provided some. Out of these, the 4th…

  • PhD

    Thesis Whisperer visit and Editorial Work!

    I’ve been heavily focused on my work recently and really considered the advice someone gave me – consider the benefit to your career, vs the energy. Sometimes unpaid work is more beneficial to you than something paid that doesn’t contribute long term. Inger Mewburn Speaking of this, I mentioned in my last post that Inger Mewburn had kindly taken time out of her sabbatical to visit us at University of Gloucestershire and talk to the PGR group. We’re super grateful for that, because it brings a new perspective, particularly on the message around not burning yourself to the ground in your work! The book she recently published with Simon Clews…

  • PhD

    Talking to people outside of my bubble

    I’m really excited about the opportunities that have come my way this last week – a current study on the psychological needs of people with haemophilia affected by the contaminated blood scandal meant I got to meet with some really amazing researchers whose interests meshed well with mine – a hopeful future collaboration! Finding passionate, talented people to work with is an amazing experience. I have been really lucky in finding women in research who put the ladder and a hand down to help me climb this mountain to become a researcher. I can’t say how brilliant my supervisors are, for example. Rather like having the best of aunts! I…