PhD,  Writing

Being seen and imposture syndrome…

Firstly, I am so deeply touched and honoured by someone reading my work, let along writing a blog about the importance of it. As a new researcher and someone who is trying to tell these stories to show the impact on each generation, just knowing it is having an impact is going to keep me going.

The blog I am talking about is here – written by Dr Rich Gorman on Haemnet, which is the organisation running the journal I published in. We joke about imposture syndromes in PhD students but I assure you, it is a very real thing and, if you asked a room full of us which one was the imposture, almost all would put their hands up.

I am sitting here in all of my feelings because being seen like this as a researcher and a member of the haemophiliac community matters so much to me. Having an impact is a researcher’s dream, isn’t it? Imagine the hope that you can improve a massive generational trauma receiving a tiny drop of a hint that it might happen? I am never good at receiving praise and I dislike it intensely for various reasons. But this feels like hope. I want to do this piece of work, and then work towards trauma informed care for the affected amongst us, especially those trying to make decisions about treatments.

So thank you, Haemnet and Rich!

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